In recent weeks we have received a number of phone calls from clients who have deposit accounts with either Ulster Bank or KBC. With the imminent departure of these banks from the Irish banking scene many have sought out our advice as to what to do with these deposits. In …
What do Financial planners do?
When I mention that I am a Financial Planner to someone who doesn’t know me I sometimes get strange looks as if I am either someone from other space. Maybe it’s because the words “Financial Planner” have become confused in most people’s lexicon with terms such as “Financial Adviser” or “Financial Consultant”. It …
‘What if?’ Financial plans vs products
As a financial planning firm we get involved in a lot of sophisticated financial analysis. We crunch numbers in spreadsheets and similar tools with the same passion as kids (and now more recently many adults) play video games. Sad you might say that we prefer Excel to the latest PlayStation …