Planning Your Retirement
Making sure that you have enough money for later life isn’t just about how much you put aside into a pension savings plan.
While such plans have a place in a personal financial planning context there are also issues regarding the future cash access, the level of allowable pension funding, personal taxation efficiency and getting a good investment return.
It Isn’t Just About A Pension Plan
When we address retirement funding we also ensure that you have other assets available to you when you need them.
Personal cash liquidity, direct ownership of stock market related investments as well as having realistic anticipation of future expenses such as long-term care costs are just as important as having a standalone pension product.
Finding The Best Way To Fund Your Retirement
Whether you are an employee or an owner of a business, care must be taken in the selection of the pension funding product to ensure a best fit for your needs.
Having the correct product structure that is cost effective for set up and ongoing investment fund management fees can make a significant difference over the longer term in the value of your retirement fund.
Making The Best Decision When You Are Retiring
As retirement draws near you need to have the confidence that the decisions you may be about to make when drawing down your pension fund are the right ones:
- What tax free lump sum calculations should you use?
- Is taking a transfer value on a Defined Benefit pension scheme the best approach?
- Should you avail of a guaranteed income or should you invest in the stockmarket?
- If you invest in the stockmarket, what funds should you use?
- What investment products are the most efficient and cost effective?
Questions you may have..
Using Our Services
How We Work
As one of Ireland’s leading financial planning firms based in south Dublin, there’s very little we haven’t encountered to help our clients prepare for. Our experience, technical knowledge and willingness to see things from your perspective means that whatever you have in mind for you and your family’s future we can help you plan the best way to get there.